“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” ~Albert Einstein


Learning Center

They say to walk a mile you must start with one step. Each step forward is one more closer to your goal. We at Chops Up believe in improving not just your musicality but every aspect in life.

To dive more into the mindset of a Musician visit Talking Chops


A good Place to start. This instructional video will address how to hold the drumsticks and a few simple warm up routines to get you drumming FAST!

For Drummers of all levels to help make any groove sound more exciting and fun. Use accents in various up beats and down beats for dynamic styles and feel.

From the Chops Up Learning Center, a tutorial on how to change and tune drumheads on toms. This step by step formula shows the process of quickly and easily change drumheads while tuning them at the same time to give the Drummer more time playing and practicing. This video was written and performed by Brian Mullen.


Guitar Videos coming soon!